
Corporate management

"Interholtz" company is governed by ethical rules of conduct in company management. Builds honest and transparent business relationships with suppliers and customers. Company is aware of the responsibility as a supplier of certified products to EU markets. Works only with certified suppliers and sells products from legally harvested wood, thus taking care of the sustainable development of the environment. Ensures competitive cost of products for suppliers and customers.

Relations with business partners

"Interholz" LLC builds honest, fair relations with business partners, contractors, and civil servants based on respect and trust. The company prohibits accepting or making illegal payments in any form, using various forms of influence on counterparties, business partners, government officials or other officials.


"Interholz" LLC conducts non-discriminatory hiring and provides equal employment opportunities. Does not use forced labor, child labor, migrant labor. Respects employees' rights to freedom of opinion.

Working conditions

"Interholz" LLC provides employees with safe and comfortable working conditions. Provides opportunities for career and professional growth. Conducts staff training. Ensures equal opportunities to hold positions. Adheres to the legally established terms of remuneration. Does not apply psychological and physical pressure on employees and does not perform any actions that are offensive and unacceptable.

Child labor policy

"Interholz" LLC does not use child labor and does not hire employees who have not reached the age of 18.

Free labor policy

"Interholz" LLC does not allow the use of any forms of forced and compulsory labor. Employment relationships are voluntary and based on mutual consent. The company does not use any practices that indicate forced or compulsory labor, including, but not limited to:

  • Physical or sexual violence;
  • Bonded labor;
  • Withholding wages, including payment of remuneration (commissions) for employment and/or making a deposit for admission to work;
  • Restriction of freedom of movement;
  • Seizure of passport and identity documents;
  • Report the threat to the authorities.

Freedom of assembly of workers

"Interholz" LLC respects the freedom of assembly and the right to collective bargaining. Employees have the right to create and join organizations of their own choice. The company respects the full freedom of employee organizations to develop their own statutes and rules, to engage in legal activities, and not to punish or discriminate against employees for exercising these rights. In the case of creation of such employee organizations, the enterprise conducts negotiations with them and makes efforts to conclude a collective agreement.